The bill establishes a "transgender equality task force" in Texas, tasked with studying the legal and societal barriers to equality for transgender individuals. The task force will consist of 15 members appointed by the governor, lieutenant governor, and speaker of the house, representing various state departments, educational institutions, and civil rights organizations. It is required to hold its first meeting by October 1, 2025, and will meet at least quarterly thereafter. Members will not receive compensation but can be reimbursed for necessary expenses, and the Texas Workforce Commission's civil rights division will provide administrative support.

The task force's mandate includes examining critical areas such as healthcare access, long-term care, education, housing, employment, and criminal justice, with a focus on improving the lives of transgender persons. It is expected to submit a report with findings and recommendations to the governor and legislature by December 1, 2026. The task force will be dissolved, and the act will expire on September 1, 2027.