The resolution honors Dennis Johnson for receiving the Top Hand Award from the Permian Basin Petroleum Association at their annual banquet on January 16, 2025. Mr. Johnson, a Texas A&M University graduate with a degree in petroleum engineering, has had a distinguished career in the petroleum industry, working with Exxon Corporation, Union Texas Petroleum, and Henry Petroleum Corporation, where he rose to the position of president and COO. He co-founded Summit Petroleum LLC in 2007 and has been actively involved in various organizations, including the Permian Basin Petroleum Association and the Texas Public Policy Foundation.
In addition to his professional achievements, Mr. Johnson has contributed to numerous charitable causes and community organizations, earning several accolades for his service, including the Permian Basin Petroleum Pioneers Pioneering Technology Award and the Texas Public Policy Foundation Sam Houston Award. The resolution expresses the Texas Legislature's congratulations to Mr. Johnson for this prestigious honor and extends best wishes for his future endeavors, with an official copy of the resolution to be prepared for him as a token of high regard from the Texas House of Representatives and Senate.