H.B. No. 1312 proposes amendments to the Texas Election Code, specifically Section 13.002, to require individuals registering to vote to submit proof of citizenship alongside their application. The bill introduces a new subsection (a-1), which mandates that the secretary of state establish rules for verifying voter eligibility through documented proof of citizenship, in accordance with federal law and a specific Supreme Court ruling. This change aims to enhance the integrity of the voter registration process in Texas.
Additionally, the bill requires the secretary of state to request the federal Election Assistance Commission to modify the mail voter registration application to include a proof of citizenship requirement by January 1, 2026. Should the commission not comply within 180 days of the request, the attorney general is authorized to seek legal enforcement. The provisions of this act are set to take effect on September 1, 2025.
Statutes affected: Introduced: Election Code 13.002 (Election Code 13)