The bill, S.B. No. 252, aims to enhance protections for certain military dependents enrolled in public schools in Texas. It introduces a new section, 25.906, to the Education Code, which defines key terms such as "Compact" and "Uniformed services." The bill stipulates that provisions from the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children will apply to children of veterans who were discharged or retired within the last four years, as well as to children of service members who died on active duty or due to injuries sustained while on duty, for a period of four years following the veteran's retirement or the member's death.
Additionally, the bill mandates that each school district and open-enrollment charter school with an internet presence must provide an easily accessible link on their websites to information regarding the compact and the protections afforded by this new section. The provisions of this act will take effect starting with the 2025-2026 school year, and it will become effective immediately if it receives a two-thirds majority vote in both houses; otherwise, it will take effect on September 1, 2025.
Statutes affected: Introduced: ()