The bill, S.B. No. 179, aims to establish a public outreach and education campaign specifically targeting mixed-status families to inform them about eligibility for Medicaid and the Child Health Plan Program. It introduces a new section, 545.0059, to the Government Code, which defines a mixed-status family as one where at least one member is not a U.S. citizen or national, while at least one member is. The campaign will focus on clearly explaining eligibility requirements related to residency and citizenship, reassuring families that a child's benefits will not impact the immigration status of their parents, and ensuring that information is accessible in multiple languages, including English and Spanish.

Additionally, the bill mandates the development of informational materials that are current, clear, and easy to understand, which will also be available in the languages spoken by the majority of the targeted population. The outreach efforts will include distributing information at health fairs and collaborating with relevant organizations to effectively reach mixed-status families. The bill is set to take effect on September 1, 2025.