H.B. No. 1082 amends the Health and Safety Code regarding the process for claiming exemptions from required immunizations for school enrollment. The bill mandates the Department of State Health Services to develop a blank affidavit form for individuals seeking an exemption, which must be made available in a printable format on the department's website and in all school nurse offices. Additionally, individuals will not be required to provide any information to obtain this affidavit form. The bill also modifies the requirements for the affidavit, removing the need for a security device to prevent reproduction and instead requiring a statement that acknowledges the understanding of the benefits and risks associated with immunizations.

Furthermore, the bill allows the department to maintain records of how many times the affidavit form is accessed or requested, but prohibits the collection of personally identifying information from individuals who download or submit the form. The existing section of the Health and Safety Code that previously outlined these requirements is repealed. The changes will take effect for the 2025-2026 school year, with the possibility of immediate effect if passed by a two-thirds majority in both houses of the legislature.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: Health and Safety Code 161.0041 (Health and Safety Code 161)