H.B. No. 969 amends the Government Code to clarify the applicability of the open meetings law and public information law to the Texas Energy Reliability Council and independent organizations managing power regions. Specifically, it modifies Sections 418.309(c) and (d) to state that the council's meetings and information are subject to Chapters 551 and 552 of the Government Code. Additionally, the definition of "governmental body" in Section 551.001(3) is expanded to include independent organizations established under Section 39.151 of the Utilities Code, which manage power regions. Similar amendments are made to Section 552.003(1) to ensure these organizations are recognized as governmental bodies.
The bill stipulates that the changes will only apply to meetings and public information requests occurring on or after the effective date of September 1, 2025. Meetings held or requests received before this date will continue to be governed by the previous laws. This legislation aims to enhance transparency and accountability within the energy sector in Texas by ensuring that relevant organizations adhere to established open meetings and public information standards.
Statutes affected: Introduced: Government Code 418.309, Government Code 551.001, Government Code 39.151 (Government Code 551, Government Code 418, Government Code 39)