The bill amends the Election Code to enhance the availability of paper ballots for voters who choose to vote in person. It requires the authority responsible for election supplies to provide a number of ballots for each precinct that is at least equal to the percentage of voters who participated in the most recent corresponding election, plus an additional 25%. Furthermore, if the number of ballots does not meet the total number of registered voters in the precinct, the bill mandates that means to print additional paper ballots must be available at each polling place.

Additionally, the bill introduces a new section that requires election officers to provide a paper ballot to any voter who requests one. The Secretary of State is given the authority to establish procedures for implementing this provision. The changes will apply to elections ordered on or after the bill's effective date, while elections ordered prior will continue to follow the existing law. The bill is set to take effect immediately if it receives a two-thirds majority vote in both houses; otherwise, it will take effect on September 1, 2025.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: Election Code 51.005 (Election Code 51)