The bill amends Section 54.015 of the Education Code to enhance the transparency of tuition and fee billing for students enrolled in public institutions of higher education. It mandates that institutions provide a detailed tuition and fee bill or billing statement for each semester or term, which must include the total amount charged as well as an itemized list of tuition and fees for each course and any additional fees. This change aims to ensure that students have a clear understanding of their financial obligations.

The new provisions will take effect starting with the fall semester of 2025. Additionally, the bill stipulates that each governing board must consolidate all tuition charges into a single tuition charge for billing and catalog purposes. The bill will become effective immediately if it receives a two-thirds majority vote in both houses; otherwise, it will take effect on September 1, 2025.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: Education Code 54.015 (Education Code 54)