The bill, H.B. No. 856, mandates that all public and private schools in Texas adopt and implement a policy for the maintenance, administration, and disposal of medication for respiratory distress. This policy must ensure that each school campus maintains a supply of such medication and allows authorized and trained school personnel and volunteers to administer it to individuals believed to be experiencing respiratory distress. Additionally, the bill requires that at least one trained individual be present on each campus during regular school hours to administer the medication.
The bill also outlines the responsibilities of the executive commissioner of the Health and Human Services Commission to establish rules regarding the availability and management of epinephrine auto-injectors and respiratory distress medication in schools. It includes provisions for training school personnel and volunteers on recognizing respiratory distress symptoms, administering medication, and following emergency procedures. Furthermore, the bill requires schools to provide written notice of their policies to parents or guardians of enrolled students. Notably, it repeals a previous section of the Education Code related to these policies.
Statutes affected: Introduced: Education Code 38.212, Education Code 38.208 (Education Code 38)