The bill amends the Parks and Wildlife Code to establish new regulations regarding the assessment, destruction, and release of certain deer. A significant addition is the introduction of Section 43.3635, which allows breeder deer that receive a negative test result during an epidemiological assessment to be released onto a designated site within 14 days of the test result. Additionally, the bill modifies Section 43.953(a) to require that an agent of the animal health commission must conduct an epidemiological assessment before any deer can be destroyed, and it mandates that a positive test result must be obtained using the least intrusive method feasible.

Further amendments include clarifications on the notice requirements for destruction under Section 43.954(b), ensuring that the notice sent to permit holders includes the date of destruction, access restrictions, and reasons for destruction, specifically referencing the results of the epidemiological assessment. The bill also mandates that the Parks and Wildlife Commission adopt or amend rules to align with these changes. The act is set to take effect immediately upon receiving a two-thirds vote from both houses or on September 1, 2025, if such a vote is not achieved.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: Parks and Wildlife Code 43.953, Parks and Wildlife Code 43.954 (Parks and Wildlife Code 43)