S.B. No. 145 aims to expand early voting by mail for qualified voters in Texas and repeals certain criminal offenses related to the solicitation and distribution of mail-in voting applications. The bill amends several sections of the Election Code, notably allowing any qualified voter to be eligible for early voting by mail or personal appearance, and clarifying the eligibility criteria for voters participating in the address confidentiality program. It specifies that individuals certified under this program must submit their applications for mail-in voting in person. Additionally, the bill updates the requirements for early voting ballot applications, including the information that must be provided by applicants, such as their driver's license number or the last four digits of their social security number.

Furthermore, the bill repeals multiple sections of the Election Code that previously governed mail-in voting procedures, streamlining the process and removing outdated regulations. It also introduces new provisions regarding the submission of applications for mail-in ballots by individuals confined in jail and those who are civilly committed as sexually violent predators. The changes will take effect on September 1, 2025, and are intended to enhance voter accessibility and simplify the voting process for Texans.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: Election Code 13.002, Election Code 82.005, Election Code 82.007, Election Code 84.001, Election Code 84.002, Election Code 84.009, Election Code 84.011, Election Code 86.001, Election Code 86.0015, Election Code 86.003, Election Code 86.004, Election Code 87.041, Election Code 102.001 (Election Code 13, Election Code 102, Election Code 82, Election Code 87, Election Code 86, Election Code 84)