The bill amends the Election Code to clarify the use of wireless communication devices and recording equipment within polling places. Specifically, it prohibits individuals from using wireless communication devices within 100 feet of a voting station, while allowing those occupying a voting station to access pre-downloaded or created ballot and candidate information on their devices. Additionally, the bill modifies the language regarding the prohibition of recording images or sound near voting stations, emphasizing that mechanical or electronic means of recording are not permitted.
Furthermore, the bill updates the heading of Section 62.0111 to reflect a "Notice of Use of Certain Devices" and allows for the posting of notices regarding the limited use of devices at the discretion of the presiding judge. This change aims to inform voters about the restrictions in place while maintaining access to necessary information for those casting their votes. The bill is set to take effect immediately upon receiving a two-thirds vote from both houses or on September 1, 2025, if that threshold is not met.
Statutes affected: Introduced: Election Code 61.014, Election Code 62.0111 (Election Code 62, Election Code 61)