H.B. No. 462 aims to enhance school safety in Texas by mandating the presence of armed security officers at public schools and establishing a mental health allotment under the Foundation School Program. The bill amends Section 37.0814(b) of the Education Code to specify that security officers can include school district peace officers, school resource officers, commissioned peace officers, and canine units. Additionally, it modifies Section 48.115 to increase the annual allotment for school districts to $100 per student and $100,000 per campus, contingent upon having armed security personnel present during school hours. The bill also introduces new requirements for school districts to ensure adequate security measures and training.

Furthermore, the bill establishes a new Section 48.117, which provides an annual mental health allotment of $100,000 for school districts to support mental health services. This funding is intended to develop comprehensive mental health systems within schools, focusing on creating a positive school climate and supporting students' emotional well-being. The funds can be used for personnel salaries, training, and partnerships with local community programs, including those provided by chaplains. The bill emphasizes that these funds cannot replace existing funding for similar purposes and mandates annual reporting on the use of these funds. The provisions of this act are set to take effect on September 1, 2025.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: Education Code 37.0814, Education Code 48.115 (Education Code 48, Education Code 37)