The bill, H.B. No. 499, aims to address mental health concerns associated with minors' use of social media by mandating that social media platforms display a warning label on their landing pages. This label will inform users about the potential link between social media usage and significant mental health issues in minors. The bill introduces a new subchapter, Subchapter Z, to Chapter 161 of the Health and Safety Code, which includes definitions for "social media platform" and "user" as per existing law. It requires that users must acknowledge understanding the warning before they can access the platform.

Additionally, the bill stipulates that the executive commissioner of the Health and Human Services Commission must adopt rules regarding the warning label's form and content by January 1, 2026. However, social media platforms will not be required to comply with this regulation until April 1, 2026. The bill is set to take effect on September 1, 2025.

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