The Texas Capitol Public Safety Protection Act amends existing laws regarding law enforcement and public safety services in the Capitol Complex in Austin, Texas. The bill redefines the boundaries of the Capitol Complex, adding new areas and removing outdated language. It specifies that the Department of Public Safety (DPS) has primary responsibility for law enforcement within these boundaries and mandates the establishment of rules governing the use of unmanned aircraft in designated areas. Additionally, the bill requires the DPS and the City of Austin to enter into an interlocal cooperation agreement that outlines their respective responsibilities for traffic, parking enforcement, public safety, and law enforcement in the Capitol Complex.
Furthermore, the bill introduces a new provision that allows the comptroller to distribute tax revenues to the City of Austin only after deducting the costs reported by the DPS for providing law enforcement and public safety services. This ensures that funds are allocated appropriately, with the deducted amount credited to the general revenue fund, which can only be appropriated to the DPS. The bill requires the DPS and the City of Austin to amend their existing agreement within 90 days of the Act's effective date to ensure compliance with the new provisions. The Act will take effect immediately if it receives a two-thirds vote from both houses of the legislature; otherwise, it will take effect on September 1, 2025.
Statutes affected: Introduced: Government Code 411.061, Government Code 411.062 (Government Code 411)