The bill proposes the addition of Section 46.056 to the Texas Penal Code, which establishes a criminal offense for the unlawful possession or transfer of a large-capacity magazine. A "large-capacity magazine" is defined as a detachable ammunition feeding device capable of accepting more than 10 rounds, with specific exceptions outlined, such as .22 caliber tube devices and permanently disabled magazines. Under this new section, individuals would commit an offense if they knowingly possess or transfer a large-capacity magazine, with violations classified as a Class A misdemeanor.

The bill also includes defenses against prosecution, such as if the individual was acting in the course of their official duties as a peace officer or military member, or if they lawfully possessed the magazine prior to August 31, 2025. Additionally, it clarifies that if the conduct constitutes an offense under other laws, the individual may be prosecuted under this section, the other law, or both. The act is set to take effect on September 1, 2025.

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