House Bill No. 496 introduces a new voting option in Texas elections, allowing voters to select "None of the Above" instead of choosing a candidate or voting on a measure. This option will be available for all candidates on the ballot, including write-in candidates, and will not count towards determining the majority of votes for any candidate. The Secretary of State is tasked with prescribing the form and manner of how this option will be presented on the ballot.

Additionally, the bill amends existing sections of the Election Code to incorporate this new option. It specifies that a shape for voting will be printed next to "None of the Above" alongside each candidate's name and that instructions for voting will include this new option. The amendments also ensure that "None of the Above" is included in the voting process for propositions, with appropriate voting squares provided. The bill is set to take effect on September 1, 2025.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: Election Code 52.070, Election Code 52.073 (Election Code 52)