House Bill No. 466 aims to improve the policies and procedures for public school students with disabilities in Texas by amending the Education Code. The bill introduces new definitions, including "Parent" as defined by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, and establishes the role of "educational representatives," who can be individuals such as agents under a power of attorney. It emphasizes the importance of involving students and their families in the transition planning process, ensuring their preferences and goals are prioritized. Additionally, the bill outlines the rights of students with disabilities aged 18 and older, mandating that school districts provide information on guardianship and alternatives, such as supported decision-making agreements.

The bill also includes provisions for the appointment and rescission of educational representatives, allowing students who have not been deemed incompetent to rescind their representative's appointment at any time. Upon rescission, all rights previously held by parents will transfer to the student. The bill clarifies that a certification of a student's inability to provide informed consent does not imply incompetence for other legal purposes and establishes confidentiality for related documentation. It also requires the commissioner to develop model forms for certifications and adopt rules to comply with federal privacy laws. The bill will take effect immediately upon a two-thirds vote from both houses or on September 1, 2025, if that vote is not achieved.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: Education Code 29.002, Education Code 29.011, Education Code 29.0162, Education Code 29.017 (Education Code 29)