H.B. No. 377 amends Section 43.0672 of the Local Government Code to establish new consent requirements for municipal annexation requested by landowners. The bill stipulates that, notwithstanding existing laws or contractual provisions, a municipality must negotiate and enter into a written agreement with landowners regarding service provision in the area at least 90 days prior to the annexation date. Additionally, the bill introduces a new provision stating that any agreement allowing a municipality to annex land cannot waive the requirements set forth in this section.
The changes enacted by this bill will only apply to annexations that are not finalized by the effective date of the Act, which is set for September 1, 2025. Any annexation that was finalized before this date will continue to be governed by the previous laws in effect at that time.
Statutes affected: Introduced: Local Government Code 43.0672 (Local Government Code 43)