House Bill No. 362 amends the Education Code to establish new requirements regarding the assignment of public school students in certain districts to teachers. Specifically, it prohibits students in grades one through six from being assigned to a teacher who lacks the appropriate certification and has less than one year of teaching experience for two consecutive years, unless there is mutual agreement between the student's parent or guardian and a school official, or if the assignment occurs during the student's first year of transfer into the district. This new provision applies only to school districts with an enrollment of 5,000 or more students.

Additionally, the bill modifies existing regulations by adding a new subsection to Section 7.056(e) of the Education Code, which clarifies that the assignment of students to teachers is subject to specific requirements outlined in the newly added Section 28.0215. The bill is set to take effect at the beginning of the 2025-2026 school year, with provisions for immediate effect if it receives the necessary legislative approval.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: Education Code 7.056 (Education Code 7)