The bill amends Section 127.007 of the Election Code to enhance the requirements for the operation plan of a central counting station. Key additions to the plan include detailed information on the reconciliation process of votes, the schedule for logic and accuracy tests, operational timelines around election day, and the identification of key personnel along with their party affiliations. Additionally, the bill mandates the inclusion of procedures for ballot security and public access to livestreams of the counting process.
Furthermore, the bill stipulates that any revisions to the plan after it has been posted must be updated on the county's website, including either a list of revisions or a revised version that highlights changes. It also ensures that the contact information of certain personnel is protected from public disclosure under the Government Code. The provisions of this act are set to take effect on September 1, 2025.
Statutes affected: Introduced: Election Code 127.007 (Election Code 127)