The bill, H.B. No. 425, introduces new provisions to the Texas Election Code regarding voter registration at polling places and the procedures for voting. It mandates that election officers at each polling place for early voting or on election day be appointed as regular deputy registrars. Additionally, it establishes that individuals who are eligible to vote but are not registered can still cast their votes at polling places if they submit a voter registration application, provide valid identification, and sign an affidavit confirming their eligibility and intent to vote only once.

Furthermore, the bill outlines specific identification requirements for voters, including a Texas driver's license or a utility bill, and stipulates that those registering and voting under this provision will be processed separately from regular voters. The Secretary of State is tasked with adopting rules to ensure accountability among election officers and to implement these new procedures effectively. The changes will take effect on September 1, 2025, and will apply to elections with early voting starting on or after February 1, 2026.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: Election Code 85.031 (Election Code 85)