H.B. No. 380 amends the Code of Criminal Procedure to include the offense of "improper relationship between educator and student" as a reportable conviction or adjudication under the sex offender registration requirements. Specifically, it adds this offense to the list of violations that necessitate registration, alongside other serious offenses such as sexual assault and indecency with a child. Additionally, the bill introduces new provisions that include "child grooming" and "online solicitation of a minor" as reportable offenses, thereby expanding the scope of the law to cover more forms of sexual misconduct involving minors.

The changes made by this bill will only apply to offenses committed on or after its effective date of September 1, 2025. Offenses that occurred prior to this date will be governed by the existing laws in place at the time of the offense. This ensures that individuals charged with offenses before the effective date are not subject to the new registration requirements retroactively.