H.B. No. 321 aims to implement an express lane option under Medicaid and the Child Health Plan Program in Texas. The bill amends Section 62.1011 of the Health and Safety Code to establish that the commission will verify income unless the applicant's reported household income exceeds the eligibility level. It introduces a new Section 62.1012, which allows the commission to evaluate data from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) to determine a child's eligibility for the Child Health Plan Program. The bill also mandates that upon determining a child's eligibility, the commission must enroll the child in the program, ensuring timely benefits without delays.

Additionally, the bill amends Section 32.026(e) of the Human Resources Code to allow recertification reviews for medical assistance to be conducted via telephone or mail, unless a personal interview is deemed necessary. A new Section 32.026102 is added, mirroring the express lane option for medical assistance benefits, which also evaluates SNAP data for eligibility. The commission is required to provide notice of eligibility determinations and obtain affirmative consent from the child's parent or guardian for enrollment. The bill is set to take effect on September 1, 2025, contingent upon any necessary federal waivers or authorizations.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: Health and Safety Code 62.1011, Human Resources Code 32.026 (Health and Safety Code 62, Human Resources Code 32)