The bill, H.B. No. 350, aims to enhance the management and administration of glucagon medication in public and private school settings in Texas. It introduces a definition for "glucagon medication" and clarifies the terms "school" and "school employee" to include open-enrollment charter schools and private schools. The bill allows these institutions to adopt policies regarding the maintenance, administration, and disposal of glucagon medication, ensuring that a school nurse or an unlicensed diabetes care assistant can administer the medication to students experiencing hypoglycemia, provided that a diabetes management plan and an individualized health plan are in place.

Additionally, the bill stipulates that schools are not required to purchase glucagon medication or incur any costs that would negatively impact their finances. It also establishes that a physician can prescribe glucagon medication in the name of the school, and a standing order for administration does not need to be patient-specific. The provisions of this act will take effect starting with the 2025-2026 school year, and it will be enacted immediately if it receives a two-thirds vote from both houses of the legislature.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: Health and Safety Code 168.001 (Health and Safety Code 168)