House Bill No. 332 amends the Election Code in Texas to update the acceptable forms of photo identification required for voting. The bill specifies that acceptable forms of identification must now include documentation issued to the "voter" rather than a "person," thereby clarifying that the identification must be directly associated with the individual casting the vote. Additionally, the bill introduces new forms of identification, including an official Native American identification card or tribal document, an identification card from a public or private institution of higher education in Texas, and an identification card issued by a state agency, all of which must contain the voter's photograph.

The bill also maintains existing requirements for other forms of identification, such as driver's licenses and military identification cards, while ensuring that these documents have not expired or expired no earlier than four years before presentation. The changes aim to enhance the accessibility of voting by broadening the types of identification accepted, particularly for voters from tribal communities and students. The act is set to take effect immediately upon receiving a two-thirds vote from both houses of the legislature or on September 1, 2025, if that threshold is not met.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: Election Code 63.0101 (Election Code 63)