H.R. No. 97
       WHEREAS, Terra Willett has ably served her fellow Texans as
chief of staff in the office of State Representative Kyle Kacal; and
       WHEREAS, Since first joining the representative's staff in
2013, Ms. Willett has provided vital leadership and demonstrated an
unwavering commitment to the residents of House District 12; her
resourcefulness, expertise, and initiative have earned the
appreciation of her colleagues, and she has served as an
influential mentor to numerous legislative employees; moreover,
she has distinguished herself through her tireless work as an
advocate for agriculture groups and rural communities throughout
the state; and
       WHEREAS, Ms. Willett has more than two decades of experience
in the Capitol community; prior to overseeing Representative
Kacal's staff, she served in the offices of Speaker James E. "Pete"
Laney, Speaker Tom Craddick, State Representative Richard "Rick"
Hardcastle, and State Representative Vicki Truitt; she is a 2001
graduate of Texas A&M University, where she earned a bachelor's
degree in political science; and
       WHEREAS, This esteemed public employee has performed her
duties as chief of staff with skill and dedication, and she is
indeed deserving of special recognition for her fine work; now,
therefore, be it
       RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 88th Texas
Legislature, 4th Called Session, hereby commend Terra Willett for
her service as chief of staff in the office of State Representative
Kyle Kacal and extend to her sincere best wishes for continued
success in all her endeavors; and, be it further
       RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
prepared for Ms. Willett as an expression of high regard by the
Texas House of Representatives.
Speaker of the House     
       I certify that H.R. No. 97 was adopted by the House on
December 5, 2023, by a non-record vote.
Chief Clerk of the House