88(4) SB 4 - Enrolled version - Bill Text
  S.B.  No.  4
  relating to prohibitions on the illegal entry into or illegal
  presence in this state by a person who is an alien, the enforcement
  of those prohibitions and certain related orders, including
  immunity from liability and indemnification for enforcement
  actions, and authorizing or requiring under certain circumstances
  the removal of persons who violate those prohibitions; creating
  criminal offenses.
               SECTION  1.    Title 1, Code of Criminal Procedure, is amended
  by adding Chapter 5B to read as follows:
  Notwithstanding any other law, a peace officer may not arrest or
  detain a person for purposes of enforcing a provision of Chapter 51,
  Penal Code, if the person is on the premises or grounds of:
                           (1)    a public or private primary or secondary school
  for educational purposes;
                           (2)    a church, synagogue, or other established place of
  religious worship;
                           (3)    a health care facility, as defined by Section
  161.471, Health and Safety Code, including a facility a state
  agency maintains or operates to provide health care, or the office
  of a health care provider, as defined by Section 161.471, Health and
  Safety Code, provided that the person is on the premises or grounds
  of the facility or office for the purpose of receiving medical
  treatment; or
                           (4)    a SAFE-ready facility, as defined by Section
  323.001, Health and Safety Code, or another facility that provides
  forensic medical examinations to sexual assault survivors in
  accordance with Chapter 323, Health and Safety Code, provided that
  the person is on the premises or grounds of the facility for
  purposes of obtaining a forensic medical examination and treatment.
               Art.  5B.002.    ORDER TO RETURN TO FOREIGN NATION. (a) A
  magistrate during a person's appearance under Article 14.06 or
  15.17 may, after making a determination that probable cause exists
  for arrest for an offense under Section 51.02 or 51.03, Penal Code,
  order the person released from custody and issue a written order in
  accordance with Subsection (c).
               (b)    The judge in a person's case at any time after the
  person's appearance before a magistrate under Article 14.06 or
  15.17 may, in lieu of continuing the prosecution of or entering an
  adjudication regarding an offense under Section 51.02 or 51.03,
  Penal Code, dismiss the charge pending against the person and issue
  a written order in accordance with Subsection (c).
               (c)    A written order authorized by Subsection (a) or (b) must
  discharge the person and require the person to return to the foreign
  nation from which the person entered or attempted to enter, and may
  be issued only if:
                           (1)    the person agrees to the order;
                           (2)    the person has not previously been convicted of an
  offense under Chapter 51, Penal Code, or previously obtained a
  discharge under an order described by Subsection (a) or (b);
                           (3)    the person is not charged with another offense
  that is punishable as a Class A misdemeanor or any higher category
  of offense; and
                           (4)    before the issuance of the order, the arresting
  law enforcement agency:
                                       (A)    collects all available identifying
  information of the person, which must include taking fingerprints
  from the person and using other applicable photographic and
  biometric measures to identify the person; and
                                       (B)    cross-references the collected information
                                                   (i)    all relevant local, state, and federal
  criminal databases; and

Statutes affected:
Introduced: Government Code 508.145, Government Code 51.03 (Government Code 508, Government Code 51)
Engrossed: Government Code 508.145, Government Code 508.149 (Government Code 508, Government Code 51)
House Committee Report: Government Code 508.145, Government Code 508.149 (Government Code 508, Government Code 51)
Enrolled: Government Code 508.145, Government Code 508.149 (Government Code 508, Government Code 51)