H.R. No. 192
       WHEREAS, The November 2023 International Indigenous and
Native American Indian Gathering in Del Rio, hosted by the Warren
Perryman Foundation for Native American Research, provides a
fitting opportunity to recognize a valued member of the
organization, Rafaela Fay Lozano Brown; and
       WHEREAS, A historian, matriarch, and head elder of the United
Warrior Band of the Seminole Nation, Rafaela Brown is a descendant
of the John Horse Band of the Black Seminole tribe, which originated
in Florida during Spanish rule; African Americans fleeing slavery
found a haven there and assimilated with the Seminole people; in the
mid-19th century, John Horse conducted groups of Seminoles along
the Trail of Tears to Indian Territory and gained fame as both
warrior and diplomat; he went on to lead a Seminole group to Mexico
in search of freedom, and his success in fending off bandits and
raiders earned him the rank of captain in the Mexican Army; and
       WHEREAS, The U.S. Army began recruiting Black Seminoles from
Mexico to protect the Texas frontier, and in 1870, it established
the Seminole Negro Indian Scouts; based at Fort Duncan and Fort
Clark, the scouts engaged in 26 campaigns, and several received the
Medal of Honor for their actions; many went on to serve in Buffalo
Soldier regiments; and
       WHEREAS, Dedicated to her family's Black Seminole scout
heritage, Ms. Brown has followed in the footsteps of her mother, the
late Alice Fay Lozano, who contributed to books on tribal history;
Ms. Brown is an educator by profession and uses her skills to raise
awareness of the role played by Black Seminoles from the pioneer
days onward; during the lifetimes of Chief William "Dub" Warrior
and his wife, Ethel, she traveled with them to St. Augustine,
Florida, to share her knowledge; and
       WHEREAS, Rafaela Brown has demonstrated an exceptional
commitment to the remarkable legacy of the Black Seminole Nation,
and she is indeed worthy of special recognition; now, therefore, be
       RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 88th Texas
Legislature, 3rd Called Session, hereby honor Rafaela Fay Lozano
Brown for her contributions as a member of the Warren Perryman
Foundation for Native American Research and extend to her sincere
best wishes for the future; and, be it further
       RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
prepared for Ms. Brown as an expression of high regard by the Texas
House of Representatives.
Morales of Maverick
Speaker of the House     
       I certify that H.R. No. 192 was adopted by the House on
November 7, 2023, by a non-record vote.
Chief Clerk of the House