H.R. No. 147
       WHEREAS, A rich and purposeful life drew to a close with the
passing of Tammy Lin Hill of Euless on October 27, 2023, at the age
of 63; and
       WHEREAS, Tammy Hill was born on March 2, 1960, in Parsons,
Kansas; she attended Trinity High School in Euless and married her
high school sweetheart, Thomas Hill, in 1978; in the course of a
richly rewarding union that spanned 45 years, the couple became the
proud parents of three children, Dusty, Todd, and Ashlea, and they
had the privilege of welcoming into their family two beloved
grandchildren, Bradlea and Daniel; and
       WHEREAS, Through the years, Mrs. Hill devoted herself
wholeheartedly to her home and family; in addition to being a caring
wife, mother, and grandmother, she was an animal lover and a
passionate advocate for women's rights; and
       WHEREAS, Admired for her sharp wit, her generosity of spirit,
and her strength of character, Tammy Hill brightened the world for
all who knew her, and they will forever hold her close in their
hearts; now, therefore, be it
       RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 88th Texas
Legislature, 3rd Called Session, hereby pay tribute to the life of
Tammy Lin Hill and extend heartfelt sympathy to the members of her
family: to her husband, Thomas James Hill; to her children, Dusty
Shawn Hill, Todd Michael Hill, and Ashlea Amber Jennett; to her
grandchildren, Bradlea Scout Jennett and Daniel Ryan Jennett Jr.;
to her sister, Wendy Brackett; and to her other relatives and
friends; and, be it further
       RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
prepared for her family and that when the Texas House of
Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of Tammy Hill.
Jones of Dallas
Phelan Guerra Murr
Allen Guillen Neave Criado
Allison Harless Noble
Anch a Harris of Anderson Oliverson
Anderson Harris of Williamson Ordaz
Ashby Harrison Orr
Bailes Hayes Ortega
Bell of Kaufman Hefner Patterson
Bell of Montgomery Hernandez Paul
Bernal Herrero Perez
Bhojani Hinojosa Plesa
Bonnen Holland Price
Bowers Howard Ramos
Bryant Hull Raney
Buckley Hunter Raymond
Bucy Isaac Reynolds
Bumgarner Jetton Rogers
Burns Johnson of Dallas Romero, Jr.
Burrows A. Johnson of Harris Rose
Button J. Johnson of Harris Rosenthal
Cain Jones of Dallas Schaefer
Campos Jones of Harris Schatzline