WHEREAS, DeWese's Tip Top Cafe in San Antonio is marking
the 85th anniversary of its founding in 2023; and
       WHEREAS, This beloved local establishment was first
opened as Tip Top Sandwich Shop by Winnie and J. A. "Pappy"
DeWese in 1938; by the 1950s, the eatery had changed its name
to Tip Top Cafe, and it was serving everything from fried
chicken and steak to sandwiches and Mexican food; Mr. and
Mrs. DeWese's son, Ancel DeWese, eventually took over the
restaurant, and it was passed on to the couple's granddaughter,
Linda DeWese, in 1981; she retired in 2016, selling the
business to Jim Scott and Gerardo Mancera; and
       WHEREAS, DeWese's Tip Top Cafe gained national attention in
2001, when it served as the setting for an ESPN advertisement
campaign with Tim Duncan of the San Antonio Spurs; it was also
featured on the Food Network show Diners, Drive-ins and Dives;
the restaurant has been named a Legacy Business by the San
Antonio Office of Historic Preservation, and over the years, it
has received numerous awards for some of its most popular menu
items, including its onion rings and chicken-fried steak; and
       WHEREAS, Local businesses of long standing play a vital
role in the culture and economy of the Lone Star State, and it is
indeed a pleasure to honor DeWese's Tip Top Cafe for the high
regard it has enjoyed in the San Antonio community over the past
eight and a half decades; now, therefore, be it
       RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 88th
Legislature, 3rd Called Session, hereby commemorate the 85th
anniversary of DeWese's Tip Top Cafe in San Antonio and extend to
all those associated with the restaurant sincere best wishes for
continued success; and, be it further
       RESOLVED, That an official copy of this Resolution be
prepared for DeWese's Tip Top Cafe as an expression of high
regard from the Texas Senate.
Men ndez
      President of the Senate
      I hereby certify that the
  above Resolution was adopted by
  the Senate on October 30, 2023.
      Secretary of the Senate
       Member, Texas Senate