H.R. No. 92
       WHEREAS, Bobbie Garza-Hernandez has been inducted into the
2023 San Marcos Women's Hall of Fame; and
       WHEREAS, Established in 1984, the San Marcos Women's Hall of
Fame has grown to include more than 140 local residents; criteria
for selection include performing volunteer work in multiple areas
of service, meeting the needs of the community, demonstrating
initiative, influencing positive change, and going above and beyond
the call of duty; and
       WHEREAS, A recognized facilitator, trainer, consensus
builder, and problem solver, Ms. Garza-Hernandez has demonstrated
a longstanding commitment to empowering disenfranchised and
underserved communities; a founding member of the Council for the
Indigenous and Tejano Community, she has also served as a member of
the Indigenous Cultures Institute, the Mexican American Business
and Professional Women's Association, and the San Marcos
Neighborhood Commission, and as chair of the Hays County Women's
Political Caucus; she is a graduate of Leadership Austin and
Leadership Texas, and she has received numerous honors, including
the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Emma S. Barrientos Mexican
American Cultural Center, the Cesar E. Chavez Award from People
Organized in Defense of Earth and Her Resources, and the Woman of
the Year Award from the League of United Latin American Citizens;
       WHEREAS, Ms. Garza-Hernandez began her professional career
in migrant education and youth employment programs, and she went on
to serve as chief of staff for former mayor Gus Garcia of the City of
Austin; inspired by her experiences in that role, she launched her
own business, Pink Consulting, in 1997, and the public relations
company has since provided communication services for large-scale
public and private projects and become a leader in outreach to
disenfranchised and minority communities; Ms. Garza-Hernandez
holds a degree in communications and Hispanic relations from
St. Edward's University; and
       WHEREAS, Bobbie Garza-Hernandez has set an inspiring example
of volunteerism and civic leadership, and the citizens of
San Marcos are fortunate indeed to count her among their fellow
residents; now, therefore, be it
       RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 88th Texas
Legislature, 3rd Called Session, hereby congratulate Bobbie
Garza-Hernandez on her induction into the San Marcos Women's Hall
of Fame and extend to her sincere appreciation for her
contributions to her community; and, be it further
       RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
prepared for Ms. Garza-Hernandez as an expression of high regard by
the Texas House of Representatives.
Speaker of the House     
       I certify that H.R. No. 92 was adopted by the House on
November 1, 2023, by a non-record vote.
Chief Clerk of the House