H.R. No. 46
       WHEREAS, Dr. Sharron Forest, director of the Doctor of
Nursing Practice program at The University of Texas Medical Branch
at Galveston, has received a 2023 Regents' Outstanding Teaching
Award from The University of Texas System Board of Regents; and
       WHEREAS, Established in 2008, this prestigious accolade
recognizes individuals who have demonstrated extraordinary
classroom performance and innovation in undergraduate instruction;
each recipient is given a $25,000 cash award in appreciation of
their contributions to the students and institutions they serve;
       WHEREAS, Dr. Forest holds the Will Bivins Singleton
Professorship in Pediatric Nursing at UTMB; she has worked in the
field of neonatal critical care nursing for more than three
decades, including over 25 years as a neonatal nurse practitioner;
as director of the DNP program at UTMB's School of Nursing, she
focuses her research and grant activities on education and health
care improvement, and her grant-funded projects have included
initiatives to address tobacco use among youth and mothers, to
prepare nurse practitioner students to care for underserved
populations, and to facilitate collaboration between DNP and Ph.D.
programs; and
       WHEREAS, This highly respected educator received a
bachelor's degree in nursing from McNeese State University and a
bachelor's degree in chemical engineering from Louisiana State
University, before obtaining both her DNP and her master's degree
in nursing from The University of Texas Health Science Center at
Houston; she is a recipient of a Novice Faculty Didactic Teaching
Award from the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, in
addition to such accolades as the Outstanding DNP Faculty Award and
the Good Samaritan Foundation's Excellence in Nursing Gold Medal
Award; and
       WHEREAS, Dr. Sharron Forest's dedication and expertise have
benefited countless students and earned her the lasting respect and
admiration of her colleagues, and she is truly deserving of this
notable honor; now, therefore, be it
       RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 88th Texas
Legislature, 3rd Called Session, hereby congratulate Dr. Sharron
Forest on her receipt of a 2023 Outstanding Teaching Award from The
University of Texas System Board of Regents and extend to her
sincere best wishes for the future; and, be it further
       RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
prepared for Dr. Forest as an expression of high regard by the Texas
House of Representatives.
Speaker of the House     
       I certify that H.R. No. 46 was adopted by the House on
November 1, 2023, by a non-record vote.
Chief Clerk of the House