88(3) SB 2 - Engrossed version - Bill Text
  By:  Creighton, et al. S.B.  No.  2
  relating to a local optional teacher designation system implemented
  by a school district, a security officer employed by a school
  district, the basic allotment and guaranteed yield under the public
  school finance system, and certain allotments under the Foundation
  School Program; making an appropriation.
               SECTION  1.    Sections 21.3521(a), (c), and (e), Education
  Code, are amended to read as follows:
               (a)    Subject to Subsection (b), a school district or
  open-enrollment charter school may designate a classroom teacher as
  a master, exemplary, [or] recognized, or acknowledged teacher for a
  five-year period based on the results from single year or multiyear
  appraisals that comply with Section 21.351 or 21.352.
               (c)    Notwithstanding performance standards established
  under Subsection (b), a classroom teacher that holds a National
  Board Certification issued by the National Board for Professional
  Teaching Standards may be designated as nationally board certified
               (e)    The agency shall develop and provide technical
  assistance for school districts and open-enrollment charter
  schools that request assistance in implementing a local optional
  teacher designation system, including:
                           (1)    providing assistance in prioritizing high needs
                           (2)    providing examples or models of local optional
  teacher designation systems to reduce the time required for a
  district or school to implement a teacher designation system;
                           (3)    establishing partnerships between districts and
  schools that request assistance and districts and schools that have
  implemented a teacher designation system;
                           (4)    applying the performance and validity standards
  established by the commissioner under Subsection (b);
                           (5)    providing centralized support for the analysis of
  the results of assessment instruments administered to district
  students; and
                           (6)    facilitating effective communication on and
  promotion of local optional teacher designation systems.
               SECTION  2.    Subchapter H, Chapter 21, Education Code, is
  amended by adding Section 21.3522 to read as follows:
  GRANT PROGRAM.    (a)    From funds appropriated or otherwise
  available for the purpose, the agency shall establish and
  administer a grant program to provide money and technical
  assistance to:
                           (1)    expand implementation of local optional teacher
  designation systems under Section 21.3521;
                           (2)    increase the number of classroom teachers eligible
  for a designation under that section; and
                           (3)    increase the salaries paid to classroom teachers
  employed by school districts or open-enrollment charter schools
  that have established or are seeking to establish a designation
  system under that section.
               (b)    A grant awarded under this section must:
                           (1)    meet the needs of individual school districts; and
                           (2)    enable regional leadership capacity.
               SECTION  3.    Section 48.051(a), Education Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
               (a)    For each student in average daily attendance, not
  including the time students spend each day in special education
  programs in an instructional arrangement other than mainstream or
  career and technology education programs, for which an additional
  allotment is made under Subchapter C, a district is entitled to an
  allotment equal to [the lesser of $6,160 or] the amount that results
  from the following formula:
  A = B [$6,160] X TR/MCR
               "A" is the allotment to which a district is entitled;

Statutes affected:
Introduced: Education Code 21.3521, Education Code 37.0814, Education Code 46.03, Education Code 48.112, Education Code 48.115, Government Code 822.201, Education Code 48.051 (Education Code 37, Education Code 46, Government Code 822, Education Code 48, Education Code 21)
Senate Committee Report: Education - Code 21.3521, Education Code 46.03, Education Code 48.115, Government Code 822.201, Education Code 48.051 (Education Code 37, Education - Code 21, Education Code 46, Government Code 822, Education Code 48, Education Code 21)
Engrossed: Education Code 21.3521, Education Code 48.051, Education Code 48.115, Government Code 822.201 (Education Code 37, Education - Code 21, Education Code 46, Government Code 822, Education Code 48, Education Code 21)