88S30184 BPG-D
  By: Oliverson H.C.R. No. 2
       WHEREAS, A Fox News border correspondent reported in summer
2023 that U.S. Customs and Border Protection guards were cutting
the barbed wire barrier on private property in Eagle Pass to allow
undocumented immigrants to enter; and
       WHEREAS, The State of Texas installed the barbed wire along
the border to prevent unlawful entries; the reporter received video
from a source in Eagle Pass showing the Border Patrol slicing
through the wire, and subsequently spoke to the Texas Department of
Public Safety, which indicated that DPS had permission from the
property owner to lay down razor wire and arrest migrants for
criminal trespass; and
       WHEREAS, The actions by the Border Patrol facilitating the
entry of undocumented immigrants represent serious interference
with our state's obligation to protect its citizens and their
property; now, therefore, be it
       RESOLVED, That the 88th Legislature of the State of Texas,
3rd Called Session, hereby respectfully urge the Texas attorney
general to file suit against the federal government for injunctive
relief from the Border Patrol's practice of destroying barriers
placed by Texas along its international border; and, be it further
       RESOLVED, That the Texas secretary of state forward an
official copy of this resolution to the Texas attorney general.