88(3) HCR 18 - Enrolled version - Bill Text
  H.C.R.  No.  18
               WHEREAS, Jim and Sandy Hall of Midland are being presented
  with the Sam Houston Award at the Texas Public Policy Foundation's
  2023 Midland Awards Dinner on October 5, 2023; and
               WHEREAS, Each year, TPPF confers this honor on individuals
  whose service and civic engagement have made a positive impact on
  their communities; and
               WHEREAS, Jim and Sandy Hall have been supporters of TPPF
  since 2006; together, they have worked tirelessly to advance the
  organization's mission to champion liberty and conservative
  governance; the couple contributed significantly to the
  foundation's capital campaign, and their generosity has been
  acknowledged at TPPF's Austin headquarters with the naming of the
  Hall Family Liberty Caf   and Hall Family Capitol Overlook Terrace
  in their honor; and
               WHEREAS, Mr.  Hall has a long history of entrepreneurship; in
  1959, he co-founded Condor Operating Company with his brothers, and
  he continues to serve as general manager of the independent oil and
  gas operator; he is also celebrated in the auto racing world as the
  progenitor of net downforce, a concept that led to victory by his
  Chaparral team at the Indianapolis 500; today, net downforce is
  incorporated into Formula 1 vehicles and every major racing car, as
  well as most high-performance road cars; Mr.  Hall has also won
  multiple national championships as a driver, and he is a member of
  the Texas Sports Hall of Fame and Motorsports Hall of Fame of
  America; and
               WHEREAS, From the early years of their marriage, Mrs.  Hall
  was very involved in the Chaparral team, providing invaluable
  assistance; her myriad responsibilities ranged from reception,
  bookkeeping, and travel planning to racetrack timing and scoring
  and pit board communications to drivers; and
               WHEREAS, Through their diligence, spirit of innovation, and
  exceptional dedication to high ideals, Jim and Sandy Hall have
  earned the respect and admiration of innumerable people, and they
  are truly deserving of this prestigious accolade; now, therefore,
  be it
               RESOLVED, That the 88th Legislature of the State of Texas,
  3rd Called Session, hereby congratulate Jim and Sandy Hall on
  receiving the 2023 Sam Houston Award from the Texas Public Policy
  Foundation and extend to them sincere best wishes for the future;
  and, be it further
               RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Mr.  and Mrs.  Hall as an expression of high regard by
  the Texas House of Representatives and Senate.
  ______________________________ ______________________________
       President of the Senate Speaker of the House          
               I certify that H.C.R. No. 18 was adopted by the House on
  November 1, 2023, by a non-record vote.
  Chief Clerk of the House      
               I certify that H.C.R. No. 18 was adopted by the Senate on
  November 5, 2023, by a viva-voce vote.
  Secretary of the Senate      
  APPROVED: __________________