relating to the reporting of mental health and intellectual
disability information with respect to certain children for
purposes of a federal firearm background check.
       SECTION 1.  Section 411.052(a), Government Code, is amended
to read as follows:
       (a)  In this section, "federal prohibited person
information" means information that identifies:
             (1)  an individual who is at least 16 years of age as:
                   (A) [(1)]  a person ordered by a court to receive
inpatient mental health services under Chapter 574, Health and
Safety Code;
                   (B) [(2)]  a person acquitted in a criminal case
by reason of insanity or lack of mental responsibility, regardless
of whether the person is ordered by a court to receive inpatient
treatment or residential care under Chapter 46C, Code of Criminal
                   (C) [(3)]  a person determined to have an
intellectual disability [mental retardation] and committed by a
court for long-term placement in a residential care facility under
Chapter 593, Health and Safety Code;
                   (D)  [(4) an incapacitated adult individual for
whom a court has appointed a guardian of the individual under Title
3, Estates Code, based on the determination that the person lacks
the mental capacity to manage the person's affairs; or
             [(5)] a person determined to be incompetent to stand
trial under Chapter 46B, Code of Criminal Procedure; or
                   (E)  a child who has been:
                         (i)  found unfit to proceed under Subchapter
C, Chapter 55, Family Code, as a result of mental illness or an
intellectual disability;
                         (ii)  found not responsible for the child's
conduct under Subchapter D, Chapter 55, Family Code, as a result of
mental illness or an intellectual disability;
                         (iii)  ordered by a court to receive
inpatient mental health services under Subchapter B, C, or D,
Chapter 55, Family Code, as a result of mental illness; or
                         (iv)  committed by a court to a residential
care facility under Subchapter C or D, Chapter 55, Family Code, as a
result of an intellectual disability; or
             (2)  an incapacitated adult person for whom a court has
appointed a guardian of the person under Title 3, Estates Code,
based on the determination that the person lacks the mental
capacity to manage the person's affairs.
       SECTION 2.  Section 411.0521(a), Government Code, is amended
to read as follows:
       (a)  The clerk of the court shall prepare and forward to the
department the information described by Subsection (b) not later
than the 30th day after the date the court:
             (1)  performs any of the following actions with respect
to an individual who is at least 16 years of age:
                   (A) [(1)]  orders a person to receive inpatient
mental health services under Chapter 574, Health and Safety Code;
                   (B) [(2)]  acquits a person in a criminal case by
reason of insanity or lack of mental responsibility, regardless of
whether the person is ordered to receive inpatient treatment or
residential care under Chapter 46C, Code of Criminal Procedure;
                   (C) [(3)]  commits a person determined to have an
intellectual disability [mental retardation] for long-term
placement in a residential care facility under Chapter 593, Health
and Safety Code;
                   (D)  [(4) appoints a guardian of the
incapacitated adult individual under Title 3, Estates Code, based
on the determination that the person lacks the mental capacity to
manage the person's affairs;
             [(5)] determines a person is incompetent to stand trial
under Chapter 46B, Code of Criminal Procedure;
                   (E)  finds a child unfit to proceed under
Statutes affected: Introduced: Government Code 411.052, Government Code 411.0521, Family Code 58.007 (Government Code 411, Family Code 58)