88(R) HB 2690 - Introduced version - Bill Text
  88R6630 JG/SCL-F
  By:  Toth H.B.  No.  2690
  relating to abortion, including civil liability for distribution of
  abortion-inducing drugs and duties of Internet service providers;
  creating a criminal offense; authorizing a private civil right of
               SECTION  1.    This Act shall be known as the Women and Child
  Safety Act.
               SECTION  2.    The legislature finds that:
                           (1)    human life begins at fertilization;
                           (2)    abortion is a murderous act of violence that
  purposefully and knowingly terminates a human life in the womb;
                           (3)    unborn human beings are entitled to the full and
  equal protection of the laws that prohibit violence against other
  human beings;
                           (4)    the United States Supreme Court's ruling in Dobbs
  v. Jackson Women's Health Organization, No.  19-1392 (U.S. June 24,
  2022), correctly overruled the lawless and unconstitutional
  pronouncements in Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973) and Planned
  Parenthood of Southern Pennsylvania v. Casey, 505 U.S. 833 (1992),
  which had invented and perpetuated a supposed constitutional right
  to abortion that cannot be found anywhere in the text of the United
  States Constitution;
                           (5)    so-called abortion funds that operate in this
  state have been funding and otherwise aiding or abetting criminal
  abortions performed in violation of the laws of this state,
  exposing themselves and each of their donors to felony criminal
                           (6)    the abortion funds and their donors are not and
  never were protected by an injunction in any abortion-related case
  because they are not parties to those cases, and there has never
  been an injunction that restrains a state official from prosecuting
  abortion funds and their donors who aided or abetted abortions
  performed in violation of the laws of this state;
                           (7)    the abortion funds and their donors are not and
  never were protected from criminal prosecution by Roe v. Wade, 410
  U.S. 113 (1973), because:
                                       (A)    there is no constitutional right to pay for
  another person's abortion;
                                       (B)    abortion funds and their donors lack
  third-party standing to assert the supposed constitutional rights
  of women seeking abortions; and
                                       (C)    any immunity from prosecution that the
  abortionist might have enjoyed on account of Roe does not preclude
  the imposition of accomplice liability on abortion funds and their
                           (8)    it is a federal crime to mail abortion-inducing
  drugs or to receive them in the mail, punishable by five years
  imprisonment, under 18 U.S.C. Section 1461;
                           (9)    it is also a federal crime to transport
  abortion-inducing drugs in interstate or foreign commerce under 18
  U.S.C. Section 1462(c);
                           (10)    these federal statutes are fully enforceable now
  that Roe has been overruled, and the statute of limitations for each
  of these crimes is five years;
                           (11)    violations of 18 U.S.C. Sections 1461-1462 are
  predicate offenses under the federal Racketeer Influenced and
  Corrupt Organizations Act (18 U.S.C. Section 1961 et seq.), which
  exposes distribution networks of abortion-inducing drugs and their
  donors to civil racketeering liability as well as criminal
  prosecution as a racketeering enterprise under federal law;
                           (12)    the legislature calls on the attorney general and
  each district attorney in this state to investigate and prosecute
  abortion funds and each of their donors for aiding or abetting
  criminal abortion in this state in violation of the laws of this
  state; and
                           (13)    the legislature calls on state and federal
  prosecutors in this state to investigate and prosecute every
  distribution network for abortion-inducing drugs under federal