88(R) SB 1024 - Engrossed version - Bill Text
  By:  Kolkhorst, Middleton S.B.  No.  1024

Statutes affected:
Introduced: Education Code 38.001, Education Code 38.019, Education Code 51.933, Health and Safety Code 81.023, Health and Safety Code 161.004 (Education Code 38, Education Code 51, Health and Safety Code 161, Health and Safety Code 81)
Senate Committee Report: Education Code 38.001, Education Code 38.019, Education Code 51.933, Health and Safety - Code 81.023 (Education Code 38, Education Code 51, Health and Safety - Code 81, Health and Safety Code 161, Health and Safety Code 81)
Engrossed: Education Code 38.001, Education Code 38.019, Education Code 51.933, Health and Safety Code 81.023, Health and Safety Code 161.004 (Education Code 38, Education Code 51, Health and Safety - Code 81, Health and Safety Code 161, Health and Safety Code 81)

  relating to preventative health care and public health, including
  prohibited immunization and face-covering requirements and private
  business or school closures.
               SECTION  1.    Section 38.001, Education Code, is amended by
  amending Subsections (a) and (b-1) and adding Subsection (b-2) to
  read as follows:
               (a)    Except as provided by Subsection (c), each [Each]
  student shall be fully immunized against the diseases listed in
  Section 161.004, Health and Safety Code [diphtheria, rubeola,
  rubella, mumps, tetanus, and poliomyelitis, except as provided by
  Subsection (c)].
               (b-1)    Each year, the Department of State Health Services
  shall prepare a list of the immunizations required [under this
  section] for admission to public schools [and of any additional
  immunizations the department recommends for school-age children].
  The department shall prepare the list in English and Spanish and
  make the list available in a manner that permits a school district
  to easily post the list on the district's Internet website as
  required by Section 38.019.
               (b-2)    An elementary or secondary school may not require a
  student, as a condition of the student's admission to or continued
  enrollment in the school, to be vaccinated against the 2019 novel
  coronavirus disease (COVID-19).
               SECTION  2.    Section 38.019(a), Education Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
               (a)    A school district that maintains an Internet website
  shall post prominently on the website:
                           (1)    a list, in English and Spanish, of:
                                       (A)    the immunizations required for admission to
  public school in accordance with [by rules of the Department of
  State Health Services adopted under] Section 38.001; and
                                       (B)    [any immunizations or vaccines recommended
  for public school students by the Department of State Health
  Services; and
                                       [(C)]    health clinics in the district that offer
  the influenza vaccine, to the extent those clinics are known to the
  district; and
                           (2)    a link to the page on the Department of State
  Health Services Internet website that provides [where a person may
  obtain] information relating to the procedures for claiming an
  exemption from the immunization requirements of Section 38.001.
               SECTION  3.    Subchapter Z, Chapter 51, Education Code, is
  amended by adding Section 51.91921 to read as follows:
               Sec.  51.91921.    PROHIBITION ON PRIVATE OR INDEPENDENT
  FOR STUDENTS. (a) In this section:
                           (1)    "COVID-19" means the 2019 novel coronavirus
  disease, including any variant.
                           (2)    "Private or independent institution of higher
  education" has the meaning assigned by Section 61.003.
               (b)    A private or independent institution of higher
  education may not require a student, as a condition of the student's
  admission to or continued enrollment in the institution, to be
  vaccinated against COVID-19.
               SECTION  4.    Section 51.933, Education Code, is amended by
  amending Subsections (b) and (b-1) and adding Subsection (b-2) to
  read as follows:
               (b)    The executive commissioner of the Health and Human
  Services Commission may require a student at an institution of
  higher education who is pursuing a course of study in a human or
  animal health profession to be immunized [immunizations] against
  the diseases listed in Subsection (a) and against hepatitis B,
  measles, rabies, and varicella, as applicable. The [additional
  diseases for students at any institution of higher education who
  are pursuing a course of study in a human or animal health
  profession, and the] executive commissioner may require those
  immunizations for any students in times of an emergency or epidemic