(2)  perform a mastectomy;
             (3)  provide, prescribe, administer, or dispense any of
the following prescription drugs that induce transient or permanent
                   (A)  puberty suppression or blocking prescription
drugs to stop or delay normal puberty;
                   (B)  supraphysiologic doses of testosterone to
females; or
                   (C)  supraphysiologic doses of estrogen to males;
             (4)  remove any otherwise healthy or non-diseased body
part or tissue.
       Sec. 161.703.  EXCEPTIONS. Section 161.702 does not apply
to the provision by a physician or health care provider, with the
consent of the child's parent or legal guardian, of:
             (1)  puberty suppression or blocking prescription
drugs for the purpose of normalizing puberty for a minor
experiencing precocious puberty; or
             (2)  appropriate and medically necessary procedures or
treatments to a child who:
                   (A)  is born with a medically verifiable genetic
Statutes affected: Introduced: Health and Safety Code 62.151, Human Resources Code 32.024, Occupations Code 164.052 (Human Resources Code 32, Health and Safety Code 62, Occupations Code 164)