House Bill 942 amends various sections of the Tennessee Code Annotated related to retail package stores. Notably, it modifies Section 7-3-303(b) by replacing the phrase "then the urban services district, but not the general services district," with "then the urban services district and the general services district." Additionally, it introduces a new subsection to Section 57-3-106, allowing for the issuance of a retailer's license to qualified applicants for operating package stores in metropolitan governments that approve the retail sale of liquor through a local option election. This provision explicitly includes the general services district within the jurisdiction of the metropolitan government.
Furthermore, the bill amends Section 57-3-205(a) by removing the phrase "or within a civil district of a county" and substituting it with ", within the urban or general services district of a metropolitan government, or within a civil district of a county." This change broadens the scope of where package stores can operate within metropolitan areas. The act is set to take effect upon becoming law, emphasizing the public welfare.
Statutes affected: Introduced: 7-3-303(b), 7-3-303, 57-3-106, 57-3-205(a), 57-3-205