House Bill 760 amends Tennessee law to enhance the availability and administration of bronchodilator rescue inhalers in emergency situations, particularly for individuals experiencing asthma symptoms or respiratory distress. The bill introduces a new section to Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 63, allowing healthcare practitioners to prescribe these inhalers for authorized entities, such as childcare agencies, schools, and sports facilities. It also permits pharmacists to dispense inhalers to these entities, which must designate an employee to maintain the inhalers securely and administer them in emergencies under a standing protocol. Importantly, the bill provides liability protections for designated employees and prescribing healthcare practitioners, shielding them from legal repercussions unless there is intentional disregard for safety.
Additionally, the bill encourages local education agencies (LEAs) and public charter schools to keep bronchodilator rescue inhalers in multiple accessible locations within the school. It allows trained school personnel to administer these inhalers under a healthcare practitioner's protocol and establishes that they will not be liable for ordinary negligence when acting in good faith during emergencies. The state board of education is tasked with developing clinical protocols for administering the inhalers, ensuring that schools are prepared to respond effectively to asthma-related emergencies.