House Joint Resolution 94 seeks to amend Article II of the Tennessee Constitution to revise the creation of legislative districts. It establishes a fixed number of ninety-nine Representatives, apportioned among counties based on population, and sets guidelines for the formation of districts. The resolution also addresses the apportionment of Senators, ensuring they do not exceed one-third of the Representatives and that counties with multiple Senators are divided into distinct districts. Importantly, it mandates that each district be represented by a qualified voter from that district.
A key feature of the resolution is the establishment of a permanent Independent Redistricting Commission composed of thirteen qualified commissioners who are registered voters in Tennessee and have not held certain political positions in the past six years. The resolution outlines the selection process for these commissioners, their terms, and the procedures for developing redistricting plans, which must include public hearings to ensure transparency. The commission is tasked with adopting a redistricting plan through a ranking system, with provisions for the Supreme Court to review any challenges to the plans. Additionally, the resolution protects the commission's functions from legislative interference and includes anti-retaliation measures for its members, ensuring the integrity of the redistricting process.