House Bill 666, sponsored by Terry, proposes amendments to Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 49, which pertains to education. The bill specifically targets Section 49-6-3024 by deleting subsection (d) entirely, thereby removing any requirements or provisions previously outlined in that section. Additionally, it modifies subsection (e) by replacing the phrase "After submission of the report required in subsection (d), the department" with "The department," streamlining the language and potentially altering the procedural context in which the department operates.

The bill is set to take effect immediately upon becoming law, emphasizing the urgency of the changes for the public welfare. By eliminating subsection (d) and revising subsection (e), the bill aims to simplify the reporting process and reduce bureaucratic requirements within the education system in Tennessee.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 49-6-3024(d), 49-6-3024, 49-6-3024(e)