This bill prohibits a healthcare provider who participates in a medical assistance health benefit plan, including a provider participating in the provider network of a managed care organization that contracts with the bureau of TennCare to provide services under a medical assistance health benefit plan, from refusing to provide healthcare services to an enrollee based solely on the enrollee's refusal or failure to obtain a vaccine or immunization for a particular infectious or communicable disease. This bill prohibits the bureau from providing reimbursement for a medical assistance health benefit plan to a provider who violates this bill unless and until the bureau finds that the provider is in compliance with this bill. However, this prohibition only applies with respect to an individual healthcare provider. The bureau must not refuse to provide reimbursement to a provider who did not violate this bill based on that provider's membership in a provider group or medical organization with an individual physician who violated this bill. EXEMPTIONS This bill does not apply to a provider who is a specialist in oncology or organ transplant services. RULEMAKING This bill requires the director of TennCare to adopt rules necessary to implement this bill, including rules establishing the right of a provider who is alleged to have violated this bill to seek administrative and judicial review of the alleged violation. FEDERAL WAIVER This bill authorizes the director to seek such federal waiver that the director deems necessary to effectuate this bill.