House Joint Resolution 80, sponsored by Leatherwood, aims to designate May 2025 as "National Hypertension Month" to raise awareness about hypertension, a condition affecting nearly half of U.S. adults and contributing to significant health complications and deaths annually. The resolution highlights the importance of early detection and management of hypertension, noting that only about 25% of affected adults have their condition under control. It also emphasizes the financial burden of hypertension on the healthcare system, with associated costs reaching approximately $131 billion per year.
The resolution advocates for greater access to innovative treatments, particularly FDA-approved renal denervation therapies, which have shown promise in managing resistant hypertension. It calls on healthcare providers, public health organizations, and community groups to engage in educational initiatives about hypertension management and to support the inclusion of these therapies in health insurance plans. Additionally, it urges the Department of Health to promote best practices for hypertension management and encourages TennCare to consider covering innovative therapies, thereby improving public health outcomes related to hypertension.