This bill enacts the "Government Serves the People Act," which requires the commissioner of finance and administration ("commissioner") to designate a state official as the state of Tennessee government service delivery coordinator within the department of finance and administration, whose responsibility is to coordinate government-wide efforts to improve government service delivery by agencies. The bill describes the coordinator's duties, which include, but are not limited to, the following: Facilitate and coordinate government-wide efforts to improve government service delivery provided by agencies, particularly with respect to high-impact service programs. Serve as the coordinating, government-wide official responsible for supporting government service delivery. Advise the commissioner concerning the improvement of government service delivery provided by agencies. In consultation with each lead agency service delivery official and any other agency stakeholder as appropriate, develop and oversee the implementation of government-wide government service delivery standards, policies, and guidelines for services and programs provided by agencies. Collect and report qualitative and quantitative information or data on government service delivery through existing reporting mechanisms. Evaluate the quality of government service delivery, including through the establishment of performance metrics. LEAD AGENCY SERVICE DELIVERY OFFICIALS This bill requires the commissioner to identify each agency that must comply with this bill. Each agency so selected must designate an official to be responsible for the government service delivery of the agency. The bill describes the duties of such official, which include, but are not limited to, the following: Coordinate and execute efforts to improve and enhance the government service delivery and government service delivery channels of the agency. At the direction of the government service delivery lead, submit an implementation plan for improving agency government service delivery. Coordinate the collection and reporting of the data and information required and use such data and information to improve government service delivery. Facilitate collaboration among and between offices, and components within the agency and with other agencies as appropriate, to improve and enhance government service delivery. ANNUAL REPORT This bill requires the commissioner, or the commissioner's designee, to provide an annual report to the governor and the speakers of the senate and the house of representatives on government-wide current and future efforts to improve government service delivery by agencies.