House Bill 7 establishes a hunger-free campus grant program aimed at addressing food insecurity among students at higher education institutions in Tennessee. The bill defines "higher education institution" to include public universities and accredited private postsecondary institutions within the state. It creates a dedicated fund, known as the hunger-free campus grant fund, which will be financed through appropriations from the general assembly as well as donations. The Tennessee higher education commission is tasked with administering this program, which requires institutions to apply for grants by demonstrating their commitment to combating hunger on campus through initiatives such as establishing food pantries and forming hunger task forces that include student representation.
To qualify for the grants, institutions must submit an application and meet specific criteria, including the establishment of a physical food pantry or a partnership with an existing one, as well as the formation of a hunger task force. Grant recipients are required to utilize the funds for programs that support students facing food insecurity, such as meal credit donation programs and meal voucher initiatives. Additionally, institutions must report annually on their efforts to address food insecurity, including demographic data and best practices. The act does not allocate funds directly but stipulates that any expenditures must be specifically appropriated by the general appropriations act.