By Faison
A RESOLUTION to honor and commend Connie Ball upon his receipt of the 2024 Great Smoky Mountain Council Good Scout Award.
WHEREAS, it is fitting that the members of this General Assembly should salute those citizens who, through their extraordinary efforts, have distinguished themselves as community leaders of whom we can all be proud; and WHEREAS, one such noteworthy person is Connie Ball, who is being honored with the
2024 Good Scout Award by the Great Smoky Mountain Council of the Boy Scouts of America for his outstanding leadership in Cocke County and support and promotion of Scouting; and WHEREAS, Mr. Ball will receive this prestigious award at the Cocke County Good Scout Award Dinner on Monday, April 29, 2024; and WHEREAS, born in Del Rio on October 3, 1951, to Lon and Erdine Ball, Connie Ball attended Northport Elementary School and graduated from Cocke County High School in 1969;
he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Health and Physical Education from Carson-
Newman College in 1973 and a master's degree in administration and supervision from East Tennessee State University in 1989; and WHEREAS, a former educator, Mr. Ball retired from the Cocke County School System in
2013 after forty years of service; he taught at Edgemont Elementary School from 1973 to 1980,
and he was the principal of Del Rio Elementary School from 1980 to 1995; he returned to
Edgemont Elementary School in 1995 to spend the remainder of his career as principal; and WHEREAS, wholly dedicated to his community, Connie Ball directed the Cocke County Elementary Schools Athletic Association for thirty years, and he was the founder and director of
the Cocke County Sportsman Club, as well as a founding board member of Safe Harbor Children's Advocacy Center for the Fourth Judicial District; and WHEREAS, he also served as Mayor of the City of Newport for fourteen years and as an alderman for thirteen years; and WHEREAS, Mr. Ball currently serves as vice mayor of the City of Newport and is a Reserve Deputy with the Cocke County Sheriff's Department; and WHEREAS, a valued member of a number of civic and community organizations,
including the Newport Kiwanis Club, Connie Ball received the honor of Senior Citizens Home Assistance Services' Citizen of the Year in 2016; and WHEREAS, a man of abiding faith, Connie Ball is a lifelong member of Newport Church of Christ, where he serves as an elder; and WHEREAS, he is perhaps most grateful for the love and support he shares with his wife of nearly forty-nine years, Marsha Hurley Ball; their children, Amy Jessica Ball and Connie
"C.J." (Tiffany) Ball, Jr.; and their grandchildren, Taelyr Ball and Sully Ball; and WHEREAS, through his estimable service to Cocke County, Connie Ball epitomizes the spirit and commitment that are characteristic of a true Tennessean; and WHEREAS, we find it appropriate to acknowledge and applaud Mr. Ball for his dedication to the State of Tennessee and its citizens; now, therefore,
CONCURRING, that we honor and commend Connie Ball upon his receipt of the 2024 Great Smoky Mountain Council Good Scout Award, thank him for his meritorious service to Cocke County and this State, and extend to him our best wishes for every future success.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that an appropriate copy of this resolution be prepared for presentation with this final clause omitted from such copy and upon proper request made to
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the appropriate clerk, the language appearing immediately following the State seal appear without House or Senate designation.
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